Students are dismissed at 3:00p.m. Children who take buses are organized by bus line in the cafeteria and escorted while boarding buses in the traffic circle . Walkers are escorted to the perimeter of the school property by teachers where they can be met by parents. Children being picked up in cars are dismissed from the rear of the school out of the gym doors.
Walkers: Students who walk home assemble at specific spots in the school and leave the school in patrols. There are three patrols, one that crosses the playground for Berkeley Street, one at the Hewitt Avenue gate, and one that crosses the driveway for Andrews Circle. Teachers supervise the students crossing the school driveways to the edge of school property. Please note: No Parking signs have recently been erected in the Hewitt Ave / Rosedale neighborhood. Parents parking in those neighborhoods to meet students in cars may be ticketed.All car pick-ups should join the car pick-up line at the side and rear of the building.
Car Pick-up: Students being dismissed to car pick-up wait in the gym and are released from the rear porch. Vehicles line up in a double line along the right hand side of the driveway from Andover St. At 2:50 parents may drive slowly to the rear of the building where the children board, six or seven cars at a time. Children must be dismissed by the teacher on duty and should WALK to waiting vehicles. A sign indicating your child’s last name should be placed by your windshield so that it is visible to the teachers on duty. Once loaded, cars continue around the school and exit via the Hewitt Avenue gate.
Please refrain for talking on your cell phone when dropping off or picking up your child/children. We have been asked by the Superintendent's office to remind parents that in accordance with the Mass Idling Law, car engines should be turned off when not moving.
Younger siblings must remain in the vehicle during pick-up. It is not permissible to allow them to exit the vehicle to use the playground equipment. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping all of our children safe!